

Pet Whispering

Think of me as the conduit between you and your pet.

I talk with horses, cats, and dogs and share the information with their people.

I don’t just hear and relate the words. I capture the pet’s personality. I share who they are and what’s important to them.

I feel their emotional states. I feel their physical pain. I relate all of this information so that pet parents can understand their pets and make decisions about their pet’s well-being,


Use my skills to solve tricky training problems.

In addition to pet whispering, I work with people and their pets to resolve behavioral issues.

A pet needs two things to do an appropriate behavior. They need to learn how to do the behavior and they need the right motivation to do the behavior. Each pet is different in how they learn and in what motivates them.

By combining intuitive animal communication with positive training techniques, I can teach you how to specifically train your pet to do (or not do) exactly what you need.

Please note: Because horses do more than the typical cat or dog, I more commonly work with horse trainers and owners as a pet whisperer in conjunction with their training activities.

Intuitive Animal Communication Classes

Learn to talk with your animals.

Every person has the potential to use their intuition to talk with animals. It’s difficult to pick this skill up on your own. But over the past fifteen years, I’ve developed a method for teaching animal communication that quiets the mind and strengthens intuitive abilities. It takes the right mind-set plus practice and focus to learn animal communication.

I teach the same methods that I use every day.

I’m currently developing the schedule for Late-summer 2022-Spring 2023. Please check back here for details.

Session Fees

Pet whispering and training sessions last an hour and are available by phone, zoom and in person.

By-Phone Session Fee: $200
By-Zoom Session Fee: $250
In-Person Session Fee: $300

Let’s Talk