Frequently Asked Questions


What is a Pet Whisperer?

A pet whisperer is a person who talks with a pet and shares that information with the pet’s human.

A pet whisperer also provides information about animal behavior and ideas for the pet and person to use to live together better.

As a pet whisperer, I use multiple senses to communicate with your pets.

When I talk with an animal, it’s an experience that uses all of my senses.

I hear words.

I see pictures and movies.

I feel pets’ emotions.

I feel how their physical bodies feel.

I smell and taste what the pets share with me.

Animals are intelligent and articulate and have a lot to teach us.


What Can I expect from a Pet-Whispering session?

After you schedule a session, I’ll contact you and ask you to send me a picture of each pet with whom we will be talking.

Then, at the time of our session, I’ll call or zoom connect or come to your house. I’ll answer any questions that you have about my process. Then, we’ll plan the call to ensure we spend our time wisely.

The next step is to talk with your pet. I’ll hang up with you and spend about ten minutes talking with your pet. I’ll introduce myself, and we’ll get down to business.

After the first conversation, I’ll call you back and tell you what your pet said. Then we’ll repeat the process, talking back and forth between you and your pet.

If the issues are behavioral in nature, I can give you ideas of how to solve the behaviors in your home.

I keep each session to the hour.

I do not record sessions or send notes. If you want to record the session, that’s okay.


In a session, can you talk with more than one pet?

Yes. We plan the session at the very beginning of the call and allot time for each pet conversation.


Will my pet’s problem take more than one session?

Most issues are solved within one or two sessions. But some pets experience ongoing health issues or have behavioral problems that require more time and attention.

From the first conversation, you’ll have more skills and confidence to move forward.


Do you have to be in person to talk with a pet?

No. I can talk with a pet from anywhere. I’ve got clients from Singapore to Seattle, Washington, D.C., to Wales to Denmark. During sessions, I use phone and zoom to talk with owners.

If you live local to Portland or Tucson, I have in-person appointments available (depending on the time of year). In-person is useful for teaching and modeling how to work with a pet. It’s not necessary for talking with a pet and getting information.

Do you do charity work?

I do. For pro bono sessions, I limit my work to rescue organizations with 501(c)(3) status. Please use my contact form to request a charity session.

Do you do speaking engagements?

Yes. I do a variety of presentations on intuition, intuitive animal communication and pet relationships. Please contact me for pricing and availability.


Do you also train pets?

Yes. If you’ve got a problem, chances are good that I’ve encountered it previously with my clients, and I can teach you how to resolve it in your home.

Because I get to know your pet really well, I can figure out what motivates your pet and, from that, the best way to teach your pet. I help you understand how your animal would best learn something. I teach positive training techniques with nonabusive, consistent consequences.

I also teach what not to do; sometimes when we think we’re helping, we’re actually training them to do something different than what we hope they will do.


Do you work with pets who are experiencing medical issues?

I only help with medical issues after you’ve spent time with your vet. I’m not a medical professional, but I can tell you where your pet hurts, the nature and level of their pain, and what they are thinking about their experience.

This information can be useful when making decisions about your pet’s care.

I also like to help pets understand what they are experiencing during their healing process.


What about pets facing The end of their lives?

I often work with pets who are facing the end of their lives. Many pet parents are concerned that they don’t know if their pets are ready to go and want their pet’s input.

Pet parents also want to ensure that their pet’s end-of-life is a comfortable and meaningful experience. Hearing from them can help.

Most of the time, pet parents are in sync with their pets already. They know a lot more than they think they do. And yet, it can be helpful to hear what your pet is thinking and to be able to convey to your pet how you are coping with the end of their life and how you will be without them.


Can you communicate with pets who have Passed Away?

I do work with pets who have passed. Many of my clients find it a comforting part of the grieving process.

I can talk with pets on the other side. We can see where they are and what they are up to. We can find out about whether they are going to reincarnate back into this lifetime of yours. This only happens about 20% of the time.

Please know that the other side is not that far away. In fact, our pets visit us in spirit after they pass, to give comfort and to enjoy our presence. I have seen the other side, and it is beautiful and peaceful.

Death will happen. The price of the ticket for a pet’s love is high, but worth it.

Can you locate lost pets?

I am very sorry that your pet is missing. Unfortunately, I do not locate lost pets.

I used to do this work, but I feel too emotional with lost pets to be as effective as I’d like.

The Humane Society has excellent advice for how to search for a pet. Also, I have seen many pets find their way home through social media, so please make sure you look on Facebook and Next Door. If you live a town or a city, posters and fliers get pets home.


How do Pets feel when you talk with them?

Pets vary widely in their initial experience of talking with me. I am always careful to introduce myself and am very clear about who sent me and why I am there.

While animals are mostly used to intuition, sometimes they find it a little weird and uncomfortable. When this happens, I make my energy small and let them inspect me to deem me “safe” and “trustworthy.”

I haven’t had a pet refuse to talk with me. Rarely, we’ve had had to reschedule because the pet was too busy to talk or needed to be introduced to me more slowly.

Once we start talking, pets tend to like me. The most important thing a pet whisperer can do is to make a space for a pet to talk. I’m there to listen, and relate.

Often, by the end of it, we’ve had a good heart-to-heart.


Do animals talk to one another?

Yes. They speak intuitively to each other. And they also speak in other ways as well. They leave messages with their scents. They talk with their eyes and tails and ears. They whine and growl and whinny.

Like people, some are much better at communicating than others. Some have better social skills. Some are more interested in communicating. And even though they communicate, it doesn’t mean they understand each other.


Do animals have big vocabularies?

It’s hard to know. Like humans, animals have specific intuitive strengths. Some hear words and convey spoken language best. Some prefer to communicate by pictures, or smell, or taste.

Sometimes I hear an animal fluently, even though their out-here word recognition is low. I don’t know why that is.

Some animals speak in fluid sentences, and others piece together a few words at a time.


How does Pet Whispering work?

Intuition is a natural aspect of life. Each of us uses our intuition every day.

People use the word “energy” to describe the part of ourselves that we use to interact intuitively.  

Energy is limitless. We give and receive energy from one another all of the time.  

When I am communicating with a pet, I am sharing my energy and the pet is sharing their energy with me.  

To start, I look at a picture of your pet(s), peering into their eyes, until I feel a feeling in my body. I feel a sense of connection, and then I reach out and say “hello” and wait for an answer back. 

If I’m in person with a pet, I will usually touch an animal or look into their eyes to start. The connection is there.  

I feel a pet’s physical and emotional feelings first. And then it’s like being on the phone, except the phone has sounds and pictures and smells and tastes.


Can anyone learn to talk with animals?

Yes! Anyone can learn to communicate with animals. It is not nearly as hard as you imagine it to be. In fact, you already talk to your pets and hear their responses; you just don’t know that you are doing it.

Animal communications takes practice and hard work, with constant testing and validation.

You have to get to know your body and what it’s trying to tell you, because intuition is all about using your body to connect and then having the presence and openness to listen. 

In a call, I love to teach my clients the basics of communication. From time to time, I teach workshops on animal communication.

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